Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) is a program that allows 10th, 11th and 12th grade students to earn both high school and college credit while still in high school, through enrollment in and successful completion of college-level, nonsectarian courses at eligible participating postsecondary institutions. 

Most PSEO courses are offered on the campus of the postsecondary institution; some courses are offered online. Each participating college or university sets its own requirements for enrollment into the PSEO courses. Eleventh and 12th-grade students may take PSEO courses on a full- or part-time basis; 10th graders may take one career/technical PSEO course. If they earn at least a grade C in that class, they may take additional PSEO courses. 

Statute Requirement: Dissemination of Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Information

By March 1 of each year, or three weeks prior to the district’s fall course registration date (whichever is earlier), a district must provide up-to-date information about the PSEO program to all students in grades 8-11 (Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.09, subdivision 7). This requirement applies to both districts and charter schools. Suggested language for district and school websites can be found here. Please contact me with any questions on this.

For current information about the PSEO program: 

Click Here to Visit the Minnesota Department of Education’s Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) webpage.

Or contact Brienne Miller, College and Career Readiness Counselor at (218) 386-6051 or email at or you can stop in the Career and Guidance Office in Warroad High School.