Infant Toddler Rummage Sale

The Warroad ECFE Advisory Council is hosting an Infant/Toddler Rummage Sale on 2/25 at the Warroad Community Center from 8-2pm! 

If you are wanting to donate any items to this sale, please email Amanda Bengtson or Miah Daniels:;

We are only accepting clean, gently-used infant or toddler items! Smaller items such as toys, clothes, rattles, bottles, utensils, etc. can be dropped off in the bin inside the doors to the ELC the week of the sale. Larger items such as high chairs, pack n plays, strollers, etc. must be brought to the Community Center on Friday evening 2/24 from 4-6pm. Thank you in advance to anyone that donates! All proceeds will go to the Warroad ECFE fund for program supplies and future events.